Demo parts
A proven technology capable of replacing machining from solid and complex fabrication
A selection of the latest demo parts we've built for our industry partners
24 kg outboard landing gear rib for Bombardier (titanium - one part built exploiting symmetry)
The same outboard landing gear rib for Bombardier (steel - one part built exploiting symmetry)
0.6 metre x 0.6 metre titanium frame for BAE Systems (one part built exploiting symmetry)
0.7 metre long titanium wing flap support for Fokker (one part built exploiting symmetry)
Titanium cylindrical structure
20 kg titanium wing spar for BAE Systems (two built back-to-back)
0.8 metre tall aluminium conics built for Lockheed Martin
2.5 metre x 1.2 metre aluminium wing rib for Bombardier (one part built exploiting symmetry)
0.8 metre tall steel conics built for Lockheed Martin with a welded flange
Wind tunnel model of a wing built for the Aircraft Research Association (steel)
1 metre tall turbine blade (steel)