Dr Shuo Feng
Shuo joined Cranfield University as a Research Fellow in Process Monitoring and Automation for Additive Manufacture in 2023. Before this, he worked as a research associate at Cardiff University for H2020 project MANUELA (Additive Manufacturing using Metal Pilot Line), focusing on in-process monitoring of PBF (laser powder bed fusion) between 2020-2022. He worked as a research engineer for AT&M (Advanced Technology & Material Co., LTD, China) in developing rapid solidification technologies between 2009 and 2016.
He obtained his PhD degree from EPSRC IMPaCT ( Innovative Metal Processing) CDT based at Leicester University in 2021, his master's degree in materials physics & chemistry from CISRI (Central Iron & Steel Research Institute, China) in 2009 and his bachelor's degree in materials science & engineering from HEU (Harbin Engineering University, China) in 2006.