Dr Xin Chen
Dr. Xin Chen has been a Research Fellow at Cranfield University since 2019, boasting over a decade of experience in Modelling and Simulating Fusion Welding and Additive Manufacturing processes. During his Master’s and PhD studies, he developed comprehensive modelling packages for various applications, including Laser Welding, Laser Arc Hybrid Welding, Magnetically assistant Laser Welding, Electron Beam welding, and Electron Beam Wire Additive Manufacturing.
Following his tenure at Cranfield University, he spearheaded the development of a Wire-based Modeling framework tailored for the WAAM processes. These models are significant tools for process understanding, optimisation and development. His research endeavours have also yielded more than 40 peer-reviewed publications. His current research is focused on high efficiency and high productivity welding and Additive Manufacturing, Sustainable Additive Manufacturing, Process Modelling, control of fluid flow, bead shape and defect formation, arc physics, and grain refinement.