Dr Yongle Sun
Dr Yongle Sun is a Lecturer in Additive Manufacture, with research expertise and experience in welding and additive manufacturing (AM). His research focuses on modelling and enhancing metal AM, particularly wire-based Directed Energy Deposition and its ancillary / allied processes for various applications in industries. He is developing integrated cross-scale multi-physics modelling approaches that incorporate novel AM process design and hybrid manufacturing techniques, such as arc-laser combination and interlayer rolling for enhancing mechanical properties. These models are beneficial for understanding, predicting, and controlling the metallurgical and mechanical performance of 3D printed large-scale structural components and would lead to the wider adoption and exploitation of high-quality AM in industry.
Yongle has delivered, managed or coordinated the research work in >15 high-profile government and industry funded projects. He has communicated his research findings in over 50 publications with more than 1700 citations and been serving the research and industry communities through the roles as an editor and reviewer for scholarly and engineering journals, and a member of BSI, NAFEMS and R6 panels.